Mexican auto insurance Instructions

  1.  Sign on to web site:
  2.  Select new policy
  3. Have your driver’s license, auto registration available
  4. Input vehicle type, year, make, and model.  (Value is “0 liability only”)
  5. Input coverage duration, date of build from  7:00 AM for 2 days
  6. Answer other misc. questions, NO towed items, YES for other insurance in US, tourist visit, etc.  If you have a Sentri pass answer YES and there may be a discount.
  7. Press continue
  8. Select ACE Seguros Platinum policy, this gives the most coverage for the least cost. (approx. $25 for the weekend)
  9. Continue
  10. Input driver information
  11. Destination is Baja California
  12. Continue
  13. Input vehicle information, Insurance Company Name and Leinholder if applicable
  14. Continue
  15. Agree to terms
  16. Input credit card information
  17. Purchase policy
  18. Print policy and keep in car during the trip


Feel free to call Kathy Faller (H) 858-755-3799 or (C) 858-254-2008 with any questions.