Mexican auto insurance Instructions
- Sign on to web site:
- Select new policy
- Have your driver’s license, auto registration available
- Input vehicle type, year, make, and model. (Value is “0 liability only”)
- Input coverage duration, date of build from 7:00 AM for 2 days
- Answer other misc. questions, NO towed items, YES for other insurance in US, tourist visit, etc. If you have a Sentri pass answer YES and there may be a discount.
- Press continue
- Select ACE Seguros Platinum policy, this gives the most coverage for the least cost. (approx. $25 for the weekend)
- Continue
- Input driver information
- Destination is Baja California
- Continue
- Input vehicle information, Insurance Company Name and Leinholder if applicable
- Continue
- Agree to terms
- Input credit card information
- Purchase policy
- Print policy and keep in car during the trip
Feel free to call Kathy Faller (H) 858-755-3799 or (C) 858-254-2008 with any questions.