Are the food and water safe in Mexico?
Yes and no. You should NOT drink tap water in Mexico. Bottled water will be provided at the work site and the mission where we stay the night. Regarding food, it is all well prepared by our cooks.
How do we get there?
We will be using our own vehicles and we will be driving in a caravan to the build site and the orphanage. They will be parked in secured areas at night for safety. As well each driver will purchase Mexican liability insurance which we will assist with.
How safe will we be?
Security has been a large topic in the news and we take it seriously during our home builds. While most of the discussed violence is between the drug cartels and the police, there is always a chance that we would be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We stick together during the build and driving into the Colonia. The Colonia is a residential neighborhood where we are well known and they are very appreciative of the work that we are doing. They look out for us and want us to have a safe experience. When driving we are clearly a caravan with our cars well marked and our headlights on. We also stay in the orphanage compound at night. We have taken as many precautions as possible to ensure a safe trip into Mexico and have NEVER had a problem with security.
Where are we going to spend the night?
We will be staying at an orphanage about 15 minutes away from the build site. There will be showers and flush toilets. The cars will be parked in a secured parking area. Depending upon the size of the group you will be either sleeping on mattresses or the floor. We reserve the mattresses for the oldest members of the group first. If you aren’t soothed by the night music of snoring or roosters, you might want to bring ear plugs.
Is it sanitary?
The orphanage you will be staying at is comfortable with all of the necessary facilities. At the work site there will be hand-sanitizing lotion as well as clean porta-potties for the use of the group only.
What does the builder fee cover?
This will cover all expenses (lodging, food (3 meals and snacks), water and a porta-potty at the build site). The fee is usually $50 per person, but may fluctuate a bit with each build.